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nice art ! combat feels a bit spammy and the boss attacks dont have clear ways of avoiding damage

(1 edit)

i think you're supposed to avoid the rock throw attack by using the consumable ranged attack but i died on the first go and wasn't going to re do the whole thing just to be able to safely damage the boss

Not a bad little demo. I couldn't really see a reason to use the whip outside of breaking things. Once i got the axe it was the only thing I used. Seems more like the whip is an afterthought as opposed to the main weapon.

Thanks for your feedback, we will try to improve weapon balance


Release on steam

These are our plans


I love how this demo looks, very promising but I found a lot of bugs, some of them very understandable but some others like the hitboxes that doesn't make sense were pretty infuriating to be honest

I know this is just a demo and this whings are going to be fixed in the future, I wish you all luck with the project


We're glad you enjoyed our demo.

Could you tell us which hitboxes you found strange?

mainly the hitboxes of the minotaur girl, when she launches against you the hitbox is bigger than her sprite and you receive a hit even when it doesn't look like you did


Thanks for feedback, we will be remaking the hit box

bug report
whip attacking while stepping off the stairs can result in an infinite attack loop until stairs are climbed again

Thanks for report, we will work on fixing it

Art is very nice.

A quick tutorial would be nice, though-not sure of the buttons or how to do everything.

Thanks for play, It's great if you liked the arts. We uploaded another version that includes a tutorial